Most of the Ring-necked Parakeets shown on this site are feral and are the Indian Ringnecks, P. k. manillensis
native to southern India. Those on this page, however, are the nominal subspecies, the smaller African Ringnecks,
P. k. krameri, native to North and West through to East Africa.
Both male and female African Ringnecks have maroon upper and lower beaks. Only the adult male has the ringed
neck: the ring is black at the front and pink on the nape, but thinner than that of the Indian Ringneck. Like the Indian,
they have pink eye rings and a thin black line from top of beak (cere) to eye which looks like a frown.
The female often has a light green shadow ring. Both male and female have large hook-billed beaks
but, unlike the Indian, the upper and lower bills are dark maroon. African ringnecks, at some 40cm, are some 2cm shorter in length than their Indian cousins.