Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus

Reed Bunting The male Reed Bunting (above) has a black head with white moustache in spring/summer.
Reed Bunting The female, above, has a brown streaked head, as does the male in winter.
Reed Bunting
Reed Bunting
Reed Bunting
It is prevalent across much of temperate Eurasia, favouring reed-bed habitat. Some migrate south in winter.
Reed Bunting
Reed Bunting
Reed Bunting
Like a Sparrow, the Reed Bunting has good camouflage in reeds and bushes.
Reed Bunting male
Reed Bunting
Reed Bunting
The male also has a black beard in his breeding plumage.
Reed Bunting
Reed Bunting female
Reed Bunting female
The female, above, in her all year round plumage.
Reed Bunting on bird feeder
Reed Bunting on bird feeder
Reed Bunting
Not good photos, but unusual to see Reed Buntings on a bird feeder.
Reed Bunting male
Reed Bunting
Reed Bunting
Better photos of male
Reed Bunting female
Reed Bunting
Reed Bunting
and female.